You know how you sometimes briefly look down at your phone and when you look back up 1,5 hours has somehow passed? That's what these past few weeks have felt like. But somewhere in that time warp I've managed to put together a rather impressive (if I may say so) amount of artwork, host a watercolor workshop and prepare the premises of my soon to be gallery (eep!). I keep beating myself up for not finishing the things that were on my actual to-do list but as I'm writing this I'm suddenly feeling like Wonder Woman. According to my husband I'm the last person on earth to learn this but a really smart colleague of mine (shoutout Stephanie!) just taught me the power of time blocking and I'm feeling reborn. It's about adding aaaaallll the tasks into your schedule because (mind blown) everything takes time. Even the quick errands and the preparations and the research and the dog walks. Who knew?! (Everyone that didn't run themselves into burnout trying to fit 8 hours of solid work into a schedule already filled to the brim with menial tasks probably)

Highly recommend looking up Power Planning if you're anything like me, finally seeing where all the hours in a day go is quite mind altering.


March is here. As always flirting with us by announcing IT'S SPRING YOU GUYS! one day, making us pull out our lawn chairs that then get fully buried in snow the day after. We're as easily fooled every year. The seed boxes are out though, I refuse to let a hail storm slow my garden preparations down. 


So many things that I can't wait to share with you - all the new work I have yet to photograph, a meeting I'm possibly a little too excited about, the gallery space that is just about ready to be shown (it just desperately needs the electrician who promised to come this week but who's now avoiding my calls to do his thing). 

Leaving you with a wee preview though. 

If all goes to plan (with my shiny new system it should, right?) I will start adding new work to my website next week. You'll be the first to know when that happens so stay tuned.

Maria Wigge