What was I thinking?

Heading into my fifth year (!) as a full-time artist and pondering a bit on what I envisioned it being as I first started out. Thanks to my fearless mom, I’ve grown up with a very Pippi Longstocking outlook on life’s challenges. ”How hard could it be?” has been my motto as I’ve taken on tasks with a bit more self-esteem than called for.


Like when trying to impress a very hot snowboarder at a ski resort by saying I’m a pretty decent snowboarder myself (had never tried it obviously, but how hard could it be?) Very hard, as it turns out. He was very un-impressed as I came sliding down the hill head first on our date the next day with a bruised ego and a double nosebleed.


Or when making a birth plan for my firstborn and decided a pilates ball and relaxing flute music was all the pain management I needed. Let’s just say the flutes never got their time to shine.


I’m very grateful I didn’t think twice about throwing myself into what I do today however, and I do wish my kids will apply the same attitude in life - even though my husband relentlessly tries to teach them the value of risk assessment 😴

…is my mantra for this month. The whole New Year, New Beginnings mania makes my ADHD brain shut down from all the excitement and I've learned the hard way to allow time for rest here instead. Reading Rohinton Ministry's A fine balance and enjoying every word of it so far.

Maria Wigge